Attention for all “Life Coaches To Be”! Stop Putting Up With Misleading Info, Inadequate Knowledge And Skills – Forever!!!

“Discover How You Can Quickly And Easily Get Life Transforming Knowledge And Skill, Guaranteed To Enable You To Get Well Paid For Your Time As A Life Coach, Without Having To Travel, Nor Even Leave Your Home!”

From the desk of:
The Billionaire Coach

Dear “Life Coach To Be”,
If you’ve ever wanted to learn from one of the best paid and most effective coaches in the world, without having to leave your home for two weeks and attend a live training, than this will be the most important message you’ll ever read.

Because I am going to show you how to get trained and certified as a Life Coach, that’ll allow you to earn a second income, or start a new, heart-based business that you’d enjoy doing! You’ll be able to help countless people resolve their traumas, past burdens, phobias, heartaches… within MINUTES!

And you’ll also help them become the person they always wanted to be and achieve their life goals, without having to deal with endless hours of therapy and listening to some really heavy, dark stories. How about that?

But before I do that, let me tell you a story of how I was able to overcome my own limitation as a Coach, a Trainer, a Mentor and a Educator.  

I’ve been coaching clients long before Life Coaching even existed as a term. I’ve built my name and brand to a level where now I only get to coach celebrities and VIP’s of all kinds, and given my rates for private, one-on-one coaching ($10,000 per hour) – mostly Billionaires can afford my time, hence The Billionaire Coach being attached to my name in media.

I’ve also been teaching for well over a decade now, delivering live trainings and certifying thousands of coaches all over the world, always believing that in order to become a Life Coach – one that would be able to produce real world results for their clients, one that would really add value in people’s lives and get well paid for it… you’d have to attend a live training with me. It’s just the nature of these topics, where we learn the best in an environment with like-hearted people, where I get to demonstrate everything that I teach with real people (meaning you guys, my students) and their real presenting problems… so everyone has a chance to work on their own life problems and have them resolved using the knowledge and skills that we are talking about here.

So it was always a double benefit, you wouldn’t just get the knowledge and skills for causing life transforming change for other people, you would have also experienced that same benefit in your own life as well. And I always thought that for that level of transformation… I would have to have you with us, physically present in that same room. So delivering such training online, was not an option!

But something happened then,
that woke me up big time!

Many students would come to me after they’ve done a few of those cheap and not very useful courses, still not able to really do coaching or honestly call themselves a Life Coach yet. The issue is that most of those online Life Coach trainings are built by internet marketers and not real coaches, trainers nor educators. Basic model is “watch these six videos, tick 6 boxes and we’ll mail you a certificate on Monday!” While I am all-in for rapid learning, I find these courses to be misleading to say the least.

After Experiencing The Pain That
My Students Were Coming In With,
I Decided To Do Something About It!!!

And it wasn’t easy, just to be clear… I had to re-invent myself and create something that would be so valuable, so useful, so “spot-on” of what people were really looking for…. and make it deliverable entirely online! I’ve brought in all my years of experience, with a mission to create something that would be miles ahead of anything else known to me out-there. And after months of brainstorming and compiling the solution, after countless hours in a recording studio, I’ve created something that existing Life Coaches don’t even dream about having yet, while brand new people, with no prior education on the topic, would totally be able to own it and become such a valuable resource to others.

So after I was able to overcome my own disproving agendas and get a super functional solution, I decided… No more! Why limiting this precious knowledge and skills ONLY to people that could afford the time and money to travel around the world and attend such live training?!

Why Not Make The Ability To Coach People
Available To Everyone Who’s Inspired To

So I decided to combine all the research… all the coaching experience that I have when it comes to teaching effectively, into a single solution that’ll make becoming a true Life Coach a piece of cake.

You’ll get all the knowledge and techniques that’ll allow you to deliver amazing, life transforming, mind blowing Life Coaching sessions to your clients when you invest in:

RSCI Life Coach
Online Training & Certification

RSCI Life Coach Online Training will enable anyone to become such a powerful Life Coach, without having to stop their lives for two weeks and travel somewhere and sacrifice time away from family.

You’ll get 5 Online Modules, delivered weekly to you. This is 46 professionally recorded videos and a full accompanying manual. You’ll mostly see me talking to you directly, as if we were alone in the room, just you and me, while I pass onto you the much needed knowledge about our psyche, the nature of thought, language, our brains and bodies and how it all fits together. You can follow the course weekly as intended, or you can access any portion of the course on demand, any time in a later stage – at will! Here’s some details about each module.

Week 1 – MY WAKE UP

During this week, you’ll go through the videos as if you were attending a workshop yourself. You will learn some paradigm shifting concepts and you’ll do the exercises with me, as if you were a client. This way you’ll get the benefits of it and experience the powerful change these concepts bring with them. This will also help you greatly with understanding what your clients are going through, as you’d take them thorough the same processes as well. It’s one thing knowing “about it” and a totally different when you’ve done it yourself, right? You’ll learn so much from this module, the knowledge that I wish everybody was taught in schools already!

Think of it as a major, major wake up and a far deeper understanding of how a human being operates, especially in the context of how we experience reality itself and create results in our lives. Deeply empowering and life transforming awakening on its own!

Week 2 – MY STORY

Armed and empowered by the week’s 1 knowledge, week two is a major self-auditing process. Lots of sound advice and value has been attached to the words “Know Thyself” and in this week I’ll give you the “how to” do exactly that! You’ll get to see your inner world as it really is, creating a great platform for your own evaluation of how things are and what needs to change.

We have many filters through which we filter the world around us, creating one version of a reality that we end up perceiving. I’ll help you elicit your filters, which combined – are constructing “The Story of Your Life”. Often, it’s some of these stories that need to change, for us to experience a whole new world around us. In order to do that, we’d have to look at your Needs, Attitudes, Memories, Decisions and Beliefs, Values, your Drive and the whole Wheel of Life. These are the filters that your brain uses, which determines how you relate to the world and everything in it and this creates an amazing foundation for the work that’s coming in the next week. Being able to get your clients through such a self-discovery process will bring you much joy and create a very deep relationship with them.


Week 3 will help you get much needed Clarity. While some people don’t even know what they want, most people do have at least a vague idea of what they want, don’t they? But what is our deepest desire, what would we really do with our lives, if we had no fear of failing, or a gazillion of other perceived limitations? What does your heart want, what did you come here to do in this world, be or create? What’s your purpose in life, do you have one?

This week’s exercises will help you get a major amount of clarity, where you’ll be guided, step by step, through a series of exercises, in creating the future that you really want. You’ll allow yourself to dream again and you’ll be able to get your clients through the same process. You’ll learn how to set goals like a pro, giving you the highest chance of succeeding and a massive amount of support from your own neurology along the way!

Week 4 – MY CHANGE

The previous weeks cover the content that’s pretty much out of this world and already reaches far, far beyond of what normal Life Coaching does – heck, if that’s all you did with your clients as a Life Coach, this would already be immensely valuable to them! Week 4 will set you up in your market, to be light years ahead of just about any Life Coach out there, as believe it or not, Change is NOT part of the work that Life Coaches do. Normal Life Coaches have some useful frameworks and bunch of good quality, somewhat empowering questions that they work with. And if any change does happen during such sessions, it’s accidental!

How would you like to be in a position as a Life Coach, able to help your clients create powerful, life transforming, immediate change – during their very first session with you? I will teach you how specifically to help them change any limiting belief whatsoever, including the core beliefs (that they want to change)! You’ll also learn how to help them release any kind of emotional trauma, phobia, burden from specific past events. I don’t think I can emphasize this enough though… I will NOT teach you how to do years of affirmations and incantations to create change. I will show you, how specifically to get rid of anything painful in one’s psyche, within literally just a few minutes of engaging one of the processes I will teach you in this week. Any one of these skills is worth pure gold, in my opinion!

Think about it this way, especially if you don’t have some specific major burdens yourself… what would a session with you be worth to your clients, if you could guarantee that their life long pain will be gone for good, in ONE session? And this includes big stuff too, like early childhood abuse or trauma of any kind, major phobias, grieving loss of a loved one… the list is endless and if you are like me – you won’t be able to even put a price tag on such skill, on your own value, as a resource to these people.

This week comes with me teaching you a few such processes, but also with recorded live demo’s with real people, mostly recorded during my live trainings from around the world. So you’ll get to see me in action as a coach, practicing what I presented, as a means to help you see how it’s done as well, but also to help you overcome the idea that it’s “too good to be true”. Mostly the simplicity of my approach to these things and the actual process of doing it… makes it not easy for people to get it – because it’s too simple, too easy to do, too quick… so it just can’t be (their logical brain would complain). So seeing it done in real life scenarios, and allowing yourself to do it with me too, as I guide you through the process, makes it much, much easier to learn, adopt and own at the end, so that you can do it with others too.


This week is dedicated to some “admin”. I will help you wrap up everything that has been presented in previous weeks, into a functional session, that you could be using with your clients soon. What to do first, what to teach next, when to engage into change processes, etc… think of it as a coaching framework that you’ll be equipped to work with, with your clients. I will offer you an example of a coaching indemnity, explain the certification process and yes, you won’t need to travel anywhere and you can complete the whole thing from the comfort of your own home and at your own time and pace.

This is how your certificate would look like, just imagine it with your name on it:

I even included an entire workshop here for you, to help you get some solid ideas around structuring your coaching sessions, your working hours, your fees structure and getting clients for yourself. The whole idea was to set you on the right path to success, armed with knowledge and skills that are out of this world!

You see, I am very proud of my Life Coach Online Course. Because after you use my course to its fullest, you’ll be able to transform your own world and start working with other people confidently, knowing full well that you can truly help them, in a meaningful, quick and powerful way. You’ll also be able to create an additional income for yourself, or make it a full time career? Maybe a retirement plan for yourself? If you are like me… I don’t know if I’ll ever retire! What better thing could I do with my time in this world, than helping people wake up from the trance that they are in, breakthrough their own self imposed illusions of who they are and what they can do, help them let go of the burdens of their pasts and assist them in creating a life of their dreams…

Sounds great, doesn’t it?

And combine that idea with the fact that you can access this course practically forever, from anywhere in the world, on demand, at will… and always get the most updated version of your course, revisit any part of it right before your coaching session with clients, or simply do a refresher whenever it suits you and get that energy boost most people enjoy… and you’ll realize that this is an amazing opportunity for you! But don’t take my word for it, here’s what customers from all over the world are saying about my life coach course:


Which Of These Powerful Secrets
Could You Use To Change Your Own Life
And Help Others Too?

Okay, So What’s The Cost
For Finally Becoming
Such A Powerful
Life Coach Online?

You see, there are many people who spend their life’s fortune, tens of thousands of dollars, trying to finally equip themselves with such knowledge and skills. Not to mention the countless hours of time wasted banging your head against the wall and feeling not good enough yet…

Plus you can buy other products that range between a weekend online course for $497 and a 6 months offline course for $100,000… but end up frustrated at the end.

Believe me, I used to be there! I’ve spent decades of going from one course to another, collecting these precious components for myself as a coach. And today, I am giving you a major opportunity to get it all in one place, saving you countless hours away from home and a ton of money!

But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that amount for my Life Coach Online Training and Certification. You can get everything you need to become a competent and powerful Life Coach and ability to touch people’s lives profoundly, all the while creating your own financial abundance,  for a low price of $2,980.

You see, $2,980 is a drop in the bucket compared to the money you are going to waste on ineffective life coaching models that are about endless why’s and talk, talk, talk… and no real, lasting change! That’s only about $8.16 per day! You probably spend that much on Starbucks per annum alone, and many other little distractions that are gone in an instant.

Why not invest that money in yourself and become more valuable to the people around you instead? Especially now in times of uncertainty, I believe that the more value I have as a human being to others, the more secure my future is. If you are valuable to others and can help them produce real life results, you’d always strive financially, won’t you?

Believe me, I wish I had this knowledge and skills presented to me on a silver platter like this when I was just starting out! It would have saved me years of sacrifice, of frustrating trial and error so I can finally help myself and help others, meaningfully and deeply.

So what’s the catch? Why am I practically giving this resource away?

We’ll it’s really quite simple. I want to give everyone, including you, the ability to become a real Life Coach, entirely online! But it’s more than that for me. You see, during the last decade or so, I have traveled the world and touched so many lives, did so many meaningful things, created financial abundance I always only dreamed of, met with and coached the leaders of the world… and I always felt beyond fulfilled and good about it all!

Until recently that is… when I realized that in my own glory and success, I have actually been limiting the world, robbing it from this precious knowledge and life changing skills, by reserving it only for people that show up for my live Life Coach training. And for some people that had to travel far to come and see me, I figured that if they have to spend more money on the airfare and hotels than on the actual training… than it just doesn’t add up!

So I take this Life Coach ONLINE Training and Certification, to be my statement back, creating the opportunity for anyone to attend, from wherever they are and get the same benefits. Investment is still meaningful though, as I only want people who are fully invested in this.

I am so invested in it myself, in fact, to shamelessly bribe you even further, I’ve got something else for you as well:

4 FREE Bonuses Worth over $2,000 If
You Take Action Right NOW!

FREE Bonus Gift #1: Facebook Mastermind group

As a major bonus, with an aim to create a like-hearted community to share this journey with, I have created a Facebook group, reserved only for attendants of this online training, to get you to connect with other people like you and grow together. You could even hook up and discuss your learnings, practice the newfound skill and even coach/help each other! You’ll have access to our Facebook group from the day you start though, while the other bonuses are released only in week 6. The value of this will depend though, on the way you utilize this resource.

FREE Bonus Gift #2: Anxiety Paradigm

Is anxiety a serious problem in our society today? Would it be valuable for you as a coach, to have a skill to help people release it for good? As a bonus, you’ll get an added change processes, helping you and your clients release any anxiety whatsoever! Priceless!

FREE Bonus Gift #3: The Forgiveness Process

I don’t know how much you know about the value and the power of forgiveness? Or maybe even more importantly, the devastating toll that not forgiving and carrying that resentment, anger, pain or bitterness towards someone it can have on you! Knowing what it does, I just had to have it included here for you – The Forgiveness process! It’s a very special processes that helps people resolve the unforgivable… and helps you free yourself from all that pain and experience true forgiveness.

FREE Bonus Gift #4: The Polarities Integration Workshop

I deliver this workshop online but LIVE, in a very small group setting – up to 10 people! We’ll take things even deeper here and aside some really advanced knowledge and even deeper understanding of human psyche, I will teach you another process, this time live, a process that is guaranteed to resolve ANY problem whatsoever for yourself, or your clients. Crazy statement, I know. But I own it and live it already, so as many of my coaches do. Imagine that no matter what problems your clients bring for you to your session, they will walk out without having that problem – guaranteed. Imagine being a coach, with such skillset, that you will always be able to help them get better, more resourceful and ready to take on the world, moments after your session. I am not talking about weeks of coaching, or years of therapy – one session, out of this world, dissolving problems as if they weren’t even real to begin with. This online, live workshop sells for $840 on its own, and it was always per invite only, as I used to do it only 3 or 4 times per year! You’d get to hang out with me in person, in a very intimate setting, with plenty of time for us to talk things out and for me to coach you, one-on-one, guaranteed. Oh, and that also means that whatever problem you bring to the table… you’ll walk out of this workshop without it – also guaranteed!

If you think about it really, the practical value of what you’d be able to do for your clients, these bonuses alone are well worth the entire investment :))

That’s right! I’ll give you these 4 bonuses worth over $2,000 when you take action today and invest in Life Coach Online Training and Certification. This is a limited time offer I can take down at any second—so take action today!

But I Know You’re Skeptical About Becoming Such A
Powerful Life Coach Online And Even Get
Certified In As Short Amount Of Time As This!

That’s OK…I’ve been there! Before removing my own disbelief and proving myself wrong, I felt the same way.

That’s why I’m offering the following 100% Risk Free Guarantee:

I personally guarantee that if you go through the course modules and you don’t feel that you can coach real people and add major value in their lives, then let me know and I’ll issue a prompt and courteous refund. No questions asked—no hassles! Try this entire course risk free for 30 days and if you decide that it wasn’t good for you, you’ll get all your money back, no questions asked!

How about that? I feel this is as fair as I could be! I am so invested in sharing this knowledge and skills that people need, that I am willing to take all the risk here.

Technically, that means you can try out Life Coach Online Training and Certification, entirely at my risk. See if it works for you or not. And if it doesn’t produce, I honestly want you to ask for your money back!!

But I’m sure you’ll be able to equip yourself with this priceless knowledge and skill and get real world results in no time. I wouldn’t have spent the time and effort, creating this Life Coach Online Training and Certification and writing all this up for you, if I didn’t think it would be a major, life changing moment for you!

You Really Can’t Afford
NOT To Invest In This
Life Coach Online
Training and Certification!

Right now, you have two choices:
You can either continue with your life, wondering why your life is the way it is and dreaming about becoming a Life Coach one day.

Or you can take action today, right now, by investing in this amazing online course. And start transforming your own life from the very core of your being, become an amazingly valuable Coach to other people and create a career full of meaning and passion, so that you can create abundance that you seek, become a better person of this world, better partner, parent and whatever other roles you have in your life… as my online course, can help you with all of that… and more!

This choice is yours.

Imagine leaving your own pains and life burdens behind, truly and completely… imagine building up a whole new relationship with yourself and becoming the person you always wanted to be. You can do that, just by attending the course and doing the suggested exercises as a client would!

But imagine taking it further and actually becoming a Life Coach, capable of helping other people heal their pains and burdens, helping them get aligned from within, get clarity on their deepest desires and dreams, so that you can help them overcome all the obstacles they had built against it… helping them heal their relationships and become better people, loving who they are and loving being in their own skin. Helping them become resourceful, free from their pasts and geared towards a much better future.

Your clients would love you, respect you, brag about you and cherish your existence in their lives. Obviously getting paid for your time with them, could very well become your primary income, or even help you create the lifestyle of your dreams. Coming from someone who started with very humble beginnings and now being paid $10,000 per hour for my time… it really comes from a place of knowing what it takes, to change one’s world around.

You can start such change process for yourself instantly, when you take action and order my Life Coach Online Training and Certification.

So order today, right now, while it’s still hot on your mind. And be prepared to claim your life back and create a whole lot more options for yourself!

Robert Simic

The Billionaire Coach

P.S. One more thing, it’s important: I reserve the right to raise the price of this course based on demand. Plus, the 4 bonuses worth over $2,000 may be taken off and sold individually. I really just wanted to reward the action takers, as my experience suggests… that is the very quality of successful people. They can make quick, informed decisions rather quickly. They asses the risk and make a decision – done. So invest in my Life Coach Online Training and Certification while this offer is still up!

P.P.S. Imagine being able to wake up one day, having done my course and having helped many people already so far… imagine waking up in your bedroom, feeling like you are living a life with a purpose, full of joy for what you do, feeling blessed and full of gratitude for the life that you are living now… My Life Coach Online Training and Certification was created to enable you to become so resourceful and skillful, as fast as possible. The best part is you’re backed by my unconditional, 30 days risk free guarantee. So order today and I can’t wait to chat with you, connect with you and guide you on this journey.

P.P.P.S. I know how it’s like… getting obsessed with something. When we get so fueled with desire to achieve it, obtain it… that it consumes the totality of our mind. I used to wake up in the mornings, and the moment I wake up, there it is… a picture in my head, of me being a Life Coach, touching people’s lives. And no matter what I do that day, that same picture keeps coming up. I’d brush my teeth and my mind wonders off – if I was a Life Coach, would I use the brush this way?

When I am having my coffee (which I used to drink and needed a lot!), my mind would have me day dream, about creating meaningful transformations for people that I work with… when I am in my car, driving to somewhere, my mind would have me imagine all sorts of heartwarming moments that I’d experience with my clients who’s lives I helped transform from ground up, the difference that I’ve made in their lives, in the world around me… I guess you can call it obsession, hey? At nights, when in bed finally, after a long day… I’d have those long exhale moments, when my mind is thinking about a better life than the one I had, a life filled with joy and gratitude, a life when I was full of energy, doing what I love and loving what I do. All I wanted was to become a Life Coach like that.

But these would remain dreams and nothing more, if I hadn’t made that decision and jumped into this all-in! And I had no guarantees, and nobody has ever chewed it up for me in the way I did it for you guys here. Nobody gave me just what I needed, but courses filled with fluff and an amazing amount of old/obsolete knowledge that’s just plain not true and not working. I am giving you a solid chance, to experience something amazing and invite me into your home, open up your heart even more and be ready to receive the goodness of such knowledge and skills presented.

It has the potential to change your life forever and it’s up to you to take action and claim it yours. So many people tell me how they are visualizing their desire future all they long and their dreams are still just dreams! Well… I guess no one told them that taking action is still a must and a part of the process! If what you say you wanted is right in front of you, you still have to have the common sense, intelligence and even some courage, to step up and claim it. To reach out and grab that opportunity with your both hands.

I know it can be scary and uncertainty fights for its voice. But I can’t do it for you, only you can. Especially when you have a whole 30 days to play with it, try it out and experience what it does for you. You could just as well take a complete advantage of me here and get all the materials and then ask for a refund at the end. I wouldn’t mind. I’d be left to work with real people with integrity, good hearts and positive intentions, which is all I want anyway. Make your move, the world is waiting for your help.

You’ll find purchase options below this text. If it makes it easier for you, you can even pay it off over 6 months!

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6 Monthly Payments of $599

1 Payment of $2,980

Don’t wait to transform your life. Your dreams, your family, your spirit and community need you performing at your highest level of potential. Signup now!

Enroll today by clicking your payment preference below.

You’ll get an email confirmation and immediate access to your member’s area.

So signup now to get all your bonuses and get started!

This entire program comes with a 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.

If you are not happy with ANY part of the program for ANY reason, just tell us within 30-days and you’ll receive a full refund – no problem, no hassles, no risk, no worries.

Click below before this exttraordinary program with Robert is gone forever.

You can take the courses at your own pace and you have access for LIFE. But the offer ends soon so signup now!



100% Satisfaction 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

If this is not the BEST personal and professional development program you’ve been through in your life, simply ask for your money back within 30-days.

This is a ONE-TIME only offer! This bonus stack will not be repeated again. If you don’t signup, you’ll never get this level of value again. Please do not miss it – sign up right now.

Email us at: rs@rsimic.com

Why 88 Percent of Life Coaches Fail
  • The #1 thing you can do RIGHT NOW to help anyone banish anxiety, depression or feelings of emptiness. This will help you overcome the single biggest hurdle blocking you from a peaceful, happy, and purpose-driven life

  • The PROVEN coaching framework that deletes limiting beliefs and overcomes lifelong trauma in minutes. Don’t miss out on this if you love to help others overcome their setbacks… even when they feel like all hope is lost!

Fill in the form below and we’ll send you a copy instantly.

Why 88 Percent of Life Coaches Fail
  • The #1 thing you can do RIGHT NOW to help anyone banish anxiety, depression or feelings of emptiness. This will help you overcome the single biggest hurdle blocking you from a peaceful, happy, and purpose-driven life.

  • The PROVEN coaching framework that deletes limiting beliefs and overcomes lifelong trauma in minutes. Don’t miss out on this if you love to help others overcome their setbacks… even when they feel like all hope is lost!

Fill in the form below and we’ll send you a copy instantly.

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You are one step closer… just fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you lightning fast!

That’s Right
You are one step closer… just fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you lightning fast!

That’s Right
You are one step closer… just fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you lightning fast!