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Online courses are GREAT! And yet, nothing replaces human interaction!
Claim Your FREE 30-Minute “The Life Mastery” Mentoring Session With One Of Our RS Method Master Coaches.
On the call, we’ll review your individual situation and career goals. All your burning questions will be answered for free, with zero obligation on your behalf.
Places are super limited, though, so you need to be quick. Don’t miss out – claim your no-obligation, 30-minute call with one of our RS Method Master Coaches now:
The Personal Breakthrough Experience will help you re-awaken your enthusiasm for living. It is your KEY to unlocking the resources that you already have inside of you.
Learn how to:
This is an action packed workshop where you will work on yourself, discovering your true passion and purpose. Get clear on your direction. Get clear on how to achieve your ultimate goals. Get clear about your life TODAY!! Give yourself a massive reset in your life, come out of your old shell and allow the empowered, true you to emerge….
Are you…
If you said YES, to any of the above questions, then the Personal Breakthrough Experience is a must.
Course Duration
2 Days (always scheduled over a weekend)
2 mind-blowing days of this live, intimate workshop. Manuals are included
Personal Breakthrough Experience Workshop Overview
Learning Process
We believe you came here to learn something, so it will serve you greatly to understand how your mind works and how you can retain information effectively and effortlessly.
This changes your relationship and approach to learning and makes learning anything (regardless of your age) that much easier.
Balance Scale
Tackling the age-old dilemma of whether we should spend more time thinking or doing. Understanding this balance will transform your perception, attitudes towards life and approach to it.
Why/How people fail?
Understanding the primary reasons for most people’s failure and what causes it. Learn how to fail-proof yourself.
Story of my life
We all have a story of our life. It’s a rather unique one, isn’t it? In the process of growing up, we learn many things, adopt many beliefs and over time, condition ourselves to a certain quality of life.
We each have a ‘Book of Rules’ that determines things for us automatically, from the meanings we attach to things in life to the states/feelings we experience daily.
Since our feelings and the emotional states we experience daily determine the quality of our life and all our behavior, in many ways it feels like we are claiming our lives back.
It is only when we are in our resourceful states that we can use our intellect and tap into our true potential.
The Story of my life is an integral part of our conditioning. It determines how we perceive our lives and what is possible for us. This is where our values, belief system, attitudes, memories, motivation and decisions lie.
It contains huge and complex filters that determine the quality of our life today and all our results in the future.
What is reality and how it’s created?
We are fortunate beings in this world, as we have the ability to filter The Reality through our senses and then through our conditioning.
This allows for infinite different experiences of life. No two people have the same life experience.
Understanding how your mind filters The Reality empowers you as it creates the opportunity for you to make changes and create a different quality of life for yourself.
This is a true wake-up for most people, as they choose to break the pattern of victimhood and take responsibility for their own results in life.
After all these priceless and insightful experiences, you will have a very good understanding of how and why you are the way you are today and where you are in life, in terms of the results that you have.
You will also have a very good idea of who you want to become and what you want to create instead.
To achieve this, some changes are required and they start with you. We refer often to Einstein’s definition for insanity: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Sadly most people refuse or feel powerless to change anything and yet expect their results in life to change.
At this stage of the workshop, being truly and deeply empowered, having realized just how much power you have over your own reality and results in life, you will find it natural and exciting to have some of the most life transforming tools available to you.
You will learn how to change and transform just about anything in your life, right now, during this closing part of the workshop. We do real life interventions with volunteers and demonstrate how magically the processes work.
You are welcome to employ any of these tools during the workshop and test them for yourself. There is no better convincer than your own experience!
Once you have a taste of how making big changes in life is much easier than you ever thought possible, we believe you will be inspired to keep using these tools, whenever you need something changed in your life for the better.
At this stage you will not be trained on a level of an RSCI Coach and will not have a license to help other people using these tools but nothing prevents you from sharing them with others and perhaps evoking a meaningful, lasting change for them too.
It’s been 3 years now since I’ve done your training and I am still in such a peaceful, blissful, joyful state. I feel like I have finally found the answers on my question “Who am I?”
Robert, your state of being, your zero judgement of others, your mastery of quantum linguistics, your deep understanding of human nature, your congruency, passion and the tools you have given us… are absolutely priceless.
Prior to your training, I’ve attended well over 30 different courses and met many trainers in the world. You are one of a kind.
Forever grateful, Marko
The first 2 days already changed my life! I helped my mom who had 2 years of depression, just by using one tool Robert taught me during those two days. And that was before I even did the full 10 days of Life Coaching training.
I finally found a like hearted group of people that is like me. I have also done Polarities Integration with him online and I have done his RSCI Mster Coach training.
I like the way Robert teaches through all those different modalities. The energy that he brings with him, the way he deliver the trainings. He teaches, but he also does coaching with us, much more than just a few live demo’s as scheduled. And he does it in so many different ways. I think he is the best one can get.
So thank you Robert so much, you have really changed my life!
I knew I was at the right place. Robert spoke “my language”. It wasn’t just another training, it was far beyond.
I took my life and my business up to the next level. My business literally tripled within 6 months! If you are a spiritual person, and you are looking for the next up level in your life and business, I cannot recommend Robert enough… thank you so much!
To say that Robert and his teachings have changed my life completely, would be an understatement.
My career took a whole new route, I started my own business, I live much more purposefully, much more joyfully and it’s affected every part of my life, my relationships, my marriage, relationship with my daughter.
It made me see the world in a completely different way. And life became so much more beautiful. Robert, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Little I knew that my entire life will change! Robert, you are an exceptional trainer. The way you teach is so gripping and no matter what course I’ve done afterwards… nothing seems to measure up any more.
Your absolute passion and belief in what you do, your walking the talk and the fact that after all these years since I’ve attended your training, you continue to support me is just unrivaled.
Thank you for one of the most amazing experiences in my life. Showing me how to deeply enjoy life even more and how to laugh even louder.
Laugh is contagious so I will keep activating as many people as I can .
Also thank you for showing me how it feels once you really Get it , Get it, Get it!
Looking for a job as a professional public ”speaker”, skills attached in the video ;) Only because it’s not about the content , isn’t it?
People go through their whole life looking for something like this… and when you find it, you realize just how easy and effortless life really is.
For me, life is no longer mediocre, I wake up in the morning with a new sense of love and joy that I never thought was possible. If I had to summarize it in one word, I’d have to say BLISS.
I used to carry a lot of negative emotions and limiting beliefs that I had accumulated over 35 years of my life, which was affecting my confidence, my happiness and my ability to pursue my goals.
To describe it as a life changing experience would be an understatement. You didn’t give me some bandage solutions, you empowered me to unlock the potential that already existed in me. You didn’t create dependency so that I would always need your help, you gave me tools and processes that allow me to stay positive and fueled, to be able to move towards my goals.
I’ve seen so many benefits already, I remember that I was very shy and the fact alone that I was on the stage shouting out things I would have never said in the past…
So many things have changed in my life, I have more clarity about who i am, more confidence, more focus, I now follow through my intentions. Thank you again, for being the light that allowed me to see… what was already inside me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
If helping other people overcome their own burdens or excelling in life inspires you, then please enquire about our Life Coach training that will equip you with an even deeper understanding of the science and skills that are often referred to as “too good to be true” or “out of this world”.
Just because most people choose to remain ignorant and never explore their neurology and the gifts that we were given, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t.
We have free will, we have the power to heal, to change our conditioning, and therefore the quality of our lives. When we came to this world, we did not have all the beliefs about ourselves or our relationship to the world we live in.
All those beliefs are learned and adopted from other people during our growing up and later experiences in life. If you could change some limiting beliefs… and you can… what kind of impact will that have on you and the people you choose to help with this understanding?
Imagine one person with a negative self-image (limiting beliefs about themselves) and how they experience life (feeling bad, not good enough, not deserving this or that… etc). And then imagine if, for that same person, those beliefs were to become obsolete and new, empowering beliefs are adopted.
What would that do for this person? What kind of jobs would they apply for or how much wealth would they be able to create? What kind of relationships would they have? How much impact on their quality of life would that one intervention have?
Well… that and so much more can be done, using the skills and techniques that we now have at our disposal. My goal is to share this wonderful knowledge and spread the word, empower the world, and touch people’s lives in deep and meaningful ways, as part of my own purpose in this world.
We can, together… end the pain, dis-ease, and hardships and create a better world for all of us. And it all starts with you. We need you, to help yourself… and perhaps, even just unconsciously… give others permission to do the same.
With all my heart, I invite you into my world, to come and join us for this workshop or any of our training, so that I get to share these gifts with you. There is no better time than now. Step up. Make your move.
This part, I cannot do for you. Get in touch and allow us to serve your purpose further.
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What Certification Matters The Most
How To Avoid The Biggest Mistake New Coaches Make
How To Ensure Success As A Life Coach
Find Out What Are Clients Happily Paying For
How To Choose The Right Coaching Institute
What Certification Matters The Most
How To Avoid The Biggest Mistake New Coaches Make
How To Ensure Success As A Life Coach
Find Out What Are Clients Happily Paying For
How To Choose The Right Coaching Institute
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