Elevate Your Coaching and


We have 2 different pathways to attain
life coach certification

Path 1: RSCI Life Coach Certification


Path 2: RSCI Life Coach Certification + ICF Accreditation

the icf path is focused on meeting stringent ICF requirements, whilst rsci trainings focus on acquiring a more varied and professional skillset.

explore your options below and speak to us for further clarity.

Path 1:
RSCI Life Coach Training

Step into the realm of life coaching mastery, where change becomes an art


Level 1

With our program, you’ll master the skills to help clients overcome obstacles, break through limiting beliefs, and create real, lasting change in their lives.

This isn’t just about learning a few coaching techniques, as the depth of the presented knowledge and skills surpasses regular Life Coach trainings by far. This is a complete transformation in how you think, connect, and empower others.

Earn 1 internationally recognised certificate:

Investment: 15,000 AED
Early Bird: 13,000 AED


Level 2

In addition to the knowledge presented in Level 1, you will gain additional tools to conquer phobias, resolve inner conflicts, and alleviate anxiety – unlocking lasting change in every session. 

With this program, you’ll evolve from being a skilled coach to a true transformation specialist, equipped to help clients experience instant, powerful shifts that redefine their lives.

Earn 2 internationally recognised certificates:

Investment: 26,000 AED
Early Bird: 22,000 AED


Level 3

In addition to the knowledge presented in Level 1 & 2, you will gain additional tools to help clients release any past traumas, delete limiting beliefs, heal, breakthrough their personal and business obstacles, and deeply embody the change. This is more than just advanced coaching – it’s the ultimate level of skill, versatility, and expertise. 

This program equips you to work seamlessly with any client, and heal just about anything within themselves.

Earn 6 internationally recognised certificates:

Investment: 29,000 AED
Early Bird: 24,000 AED


Path 2:
ICF Life Coach Training

We offer 2 ICF accreditation levels.


ACC Level 1

Fast-track your path to becoming a fully accredited ICF ACC Level 1 Life Coach. With our program, you’ll master the skills to help clients overcome obstacles, break through limiting beliefs, and create real, lasting change in their lives.

This isn’t just about learning a few coaching techniques. This is a complete transformation in how you think, connect, and empower others. This is the fast lane to ICF ACC certification, packed with life-changing knowledge and tools that will set you apart in the coaching field.

Earn 1 internationally recognised certificate:

Investment: 15,000 AED
Early Bird: 13,000 AED


PCC Level 2

In addition to the knowledge presented in Level 1, you will gain additional tools to conquer phobias, resolve inner conflicts, and alleviate anxiety – unlocking lasting change in every session.

With this program, you’ll evolve from being a skilled coach to a true transformation specialist, equipped to help clients experience powerful shifts that redefine their lives. PCC level 2 accreditation is highly sought after level in the corporate environment and a major consideration point when they hire coaches.

Earn 2 internationally recognised certificates:

Investment: 26,000 AED
Early Bird: 22,000 AED

Life Coaching is a vastly misunderstood subject. People are often misinformed about what life coaching training is and what it isn’t.

They come to us determined, wanting to become a life coach, yet their perceptions and expectations of what life coach training is, or what a life coach does, vary greatly.

Add to that mix the fact that any governing body in the world does not regulate the life coaching industry, and you’ll begin to realise that choosing the right institute for life coach training is easier said than done.

Aside from the fortunate few who came directly to us with no prior education on this subject, we attract many people who already are life coaches – life coaches who are stuck, broken, not fulfilled in their own lives and failing to apply much, if any of the training acquired elsewhere.

They are still searching for their own breakthroughs and inner freedom, knowledge and skills that will enable them to help their clients.

Many of our students are medical doctors, veteran psychologists, psychiatrists, religious leaders, corporate directors… people with strong academic backgrounds.

At the end of our ICF accredited Life Coach Training, what a pleasure to hear them say that they would trade all their degrees for what they have learned within these incredible 10 days of training.

This is a MUST read if you are considering
becoming a Life Coach

Free Life Coaching
Ebook for you!

Why 88 Percent of Life Coaches Fail

Don’t end up in pain and

  • What Certification Matters The Most
  • How To Avoid The Biggest Mistake New Coaches Make
  • How To Ensure Success As A Life Coach
  • Find Out What Are Clients Happily Paying For
  • How To Choose The Right Coaching Institute

If you are looking for:

Then you have already arrived and are a perfect student for the RS METHOD.

Welcome to Robert Simic Coaching Institute, a place our coaches call Home.


As an ordinary life coach, you may not be able to cause any real changes for your clients other than helping them find direction in life and clarity, which is very valuable.

The RS METHOD empowers you much further in terms of being able to help yourself and your clients create and experience quick yet lasting CHANGE. With us, you would become a change expert, using a combination of the most efficient and life-transforming techniques known to us from the beginning of human psychology to the very latest in neural science.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could instantly help clients change their thinking patterns, replace their old and non-serving habits with new ones, change limiting beliefs into positive ones, resolve their deep internal conflicts, and help them finally release the emotional burdens of their past for good?


Robert will demonstrate every technique taught and presented during our RSCI life coach training, and you will have the opportunity to first see and experience them as a client. This way, you can have your own personal breakthroughs as you empower and shape yourself into the person you have always wanted to be.

After experiencing this level of learning, you will be fully competent to share this gift with others. Our training in the RS Method is so effective in teaching knowledge and skills that you will embody it all when you are complete. This is the difference between knowing about life coaching or becoming one.

You will become an empowered human being, a life coach who has the tools and experience to help yourself and your clients change anything in life and create a desired future. Clients pay their coaches for results and change, and you will become a super star RS METHOD COACH, a life coach that can deliver faster and better than any other coach out there.




  • How To Choose The Right Coaching Institute
  • What Certification Matters The Most
  • How To Avoid The Biggest Mistake New Coaches Make
  • How To Ensure Success As A Life Coach
  • Find Out What Are Clients Happily Paying For

This super advanced life coach training offers you the opportunity to obtain six internationally accredited certifications, including NLP, Life Coaching, and others. Please note that certification is not automatic.

To earn certification, you must attend the entire course and be evaluated on your understanding of the concepts learned and your ability to demonstrate the required skills.

However, Robert’s exceptional teaching abilities make the process easier for all participants. He is a great teacher who effectively imparts knowledge and skills to his students.

Here Are Just Some Of The Techniques covered:


We are all motivated by one specific question that drives the majority of our thoughts, states and behaviors. Eliciting this question and realizing its true impact on your life is a priceless new understanding. Once aware of it, you are able to improve or change it for a better one!

The skill of connecting with people. How would you like to learn how to create comfortable and easy relationships; to get people trust you; to make them feel at ease, feeling that they can open up to you and genuinely feel safe and free with you?

Rapport makes anything communicable and this is a skill that everyone should know about. Imagine if we could all communicate effortlessly with each other… this would be a very different world to live in…

This model takes the art of communication to a whole new level. You learn how to be in charge of the level of specificity or vagueness in any given conversation, depending on what will serve you; from causing people to feel comfortable and relaxed, to helping them become aware of all the necessary details required for clarity.

The art and power of purposeful story telling. We are very easily affected by the stories that we naturally share with other people. When reading stories to our children we help them adopt certain attitudes, qualities of character.

We hope they learn life lessons from them. We learn the best when we don’t know we are being taught. Utilizing this wonderful tool, we can solve many problems, effortlessly.

Everyone knows that changing habits is hard! Once you are educated on this level and have deeper insights into how the mind works and how behavior operates… you will know how to change unwanted habits and swap them with desired behaviors. The best part – doing so takes only about 10 minutes! Priceless!

This is another gem from our NLP linguistics section; the power of handling objections. Learn how to easily reframe any given objection. No matter what objection gets thrown your way, you’ll know how to easily twist it, spin it and change its meaning into something positive. This changes everything and the objection becomes obsolete. This skill is extremely valuable in sales, counseling and everyday life.

This technique gives you the ability to control charge of your state, your emotional being. It is possible to anchor any given state (motivated, happy, etc.) and have a spot on your body that you use to trigger it whenever you may need to access that state.

We all have “buttons” that our closest ones know how to “press”. With anchoring, everything changes and you become the master of your own “buttons” so that you can always be in a state of your choice, a state that serves you the most in any given situation.

Imagine feeling whole again and aligned with the ‘you’ that you would like to be? Imagine all doubts and incongruences absolutely resolved in your mind? Imagine operating as one whole integrated being, free from any conflicts and unresolved decisions?

Well… that is always the outcome from this process. It is difficult to describe the effect in words, as “feeling the wholeness inside of you” just doesn’t seem to do it justice.

These four days, although invaluable and positively mind-blowing, are truly just a warm-up for you. They prepare you for grasping the rest of the training. Although time-wise, we are halfway through the training, in terms of content, you will have received only about 20% of the training experience and value compared to the next four days that follow.

Welcome to the core of the RS Method Tools and Techniques. Here are just a few highlights:

Years of accumulated negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame… or any others, can be totally released. Can you even imagine being freed of any, and all past burdens of life, truly letting go of all unresolved issues?

This process affects your identity and your perceptions of the past, allowing room for a much brighter future. It also affects your health, more than anything other factor. Most people already know that our unresolved burdens, things that we carry inside… act as a root cause of all our dis-eases.

Healing is really possible and simple. When we find the root cause of what creates the issue in the first place we can resolve and overcome it. This process is almost magical and one of the best gifts that I could ever give to another human being. A real ticket to a new start.

I personally spent years seeking an effective way to change my limiting beliefs. Like most people, I grew up in an environment that taught me about my limitations and what I cannot do in life, what I will never have, or be able to achieve/become. I learned that:


  • If I could have a stronger, healthier self-image and change the way I see myself… I would feel differently about myself; I would apply for different jobs or start my own business; I would aim higher in all areas of my life!

    But sadly, most teachers and trainers today will teach you how to create different affirmations, and how endless repetition of the properly formatted new statements will create the change. It may take you years of new daily rituals, to achieve that desired change and truly align yourself with the life that you want. Few people have that much determination and the willingness to succeed.

    The good news is that on RSCI training, you will learn how to change ANY limiting belief (regardless of its age and strength) in a matter of minutes! Out with the old and in with the new one. Speaking the language of the mind and understanding what needs to happen to make such change possible and lasting… is all that is needed.

    Imagine affording yourself an opportunity to change any limiting belief, doubts, sabotaging questions… where would your life take you, with all that natural and effortless confidence? This section alone is easily worth your entire investment in this training.

Freedom from crippling and debilitating phobias (regardless of how big or old they are). We show you how to easily overcome this irrational fear and set yourself or your clients free for good.

Anxiety is different from all the other emotions. Sadness, fear, etc… are all linked and related to our past. Anxiety is an emotion linked to our future! Think about this: you cannot feel anxious about something that has happened in the past, can you?

You can only feel anxiety when your mind is focusing on your future, something that hasn’t happened yet and that you are imagining ending up badly. This process ensures that you alleviate all anxiety from your life and set yourself free from worries and negative thinking patterns about your future.

What would you sign up for, years of medication… or a one time, life changing process?

After we are sure that you are free from past burdens and limiting beliefs and are aligned internally with your goals… we help you set your mind for creating that life, achieving those results in a way that they are bound to happen. Quick question for you: “What would you want… if you KNEW you couldn’t fail?”

As you may have already realized, this is an extremely fulfilling and enriching content and experience-filled program. If you require a full life coach training outline and information on the subjects and techniques covered, please contact us for details or request to meet with us in person.

We would love to meet with you, learn about your needs and intentions, and therefore, be able to advise you on your next steps forward.

Why RSCI Life Coach Training, Why Become a Life Coach With Us?
The possibilities are only limited by you and your thoughts.

You will experience

Personal coaching & support throughout the course.

Priceless live demonstrations of all the coaching techniques taught.

Immediate coaching experience as the coach, assisting real clients with their problems during the training.

Skill building exercises, ensuring that you leave the training as a competent and confident life coach.

Our RS Method Workshop Highlights

  • Understand how your brain works. Your mind is the driving force behind every thought, emotion, memory and behaviour you have ever had.
  • Master the power of language and become more effective and influential in your communication.
  • Feel more in charge of yourself and help others do the same.
  • Understand the science of sustainable change and break through your undesired behaviour.
  • Understand how perception is created and how you can change and own it.
  • Become a better leader.
  • Resolve any internal conflict in a matter of minutes.
  • Learn how to connect and build comfortable relationships with other people.
  • Learn for yourself, and even lead others into resourceful states – one of the most positive states of mind/body you can experience. A state where all change is possible, easy and quick to achieve.
  • Learn how and when to give effective suggestions.
  • Understand the mind/body connection.
  • Let go of ALL emotional baggage. Years of accumulated negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame… can be totally released. This process affects your identity and your perception of the past, allowing room for a much brighter future.
  • Release limiting beliefs and decisions that can be damaging not only to your health but also into other aspects of your life. Install new beliefs and align yourself with the life that you want.
  • Experience freedom from crippling and debilitating phobias.
  • Alleviate all anxiety from your life and set yourself free from worries and doubts.
  • Set goals in ways that they are impossible to not happen in your life.

Through a combination of pre-study materials and live training, we will teach you the theory and show you specifically how to apply it to bring about change for yourself or your clients.

We demonstrate the techniques with real-life problems (on a voluntary basis; this could be you as our client demonstration). You will then have the opportunity to demonstrate the same techniques, but this time as the coach. We will make sure to answer all of your questions.

This teaching method will ensure that your learning needs are met, and you will experience a sense of ownership and competence as a life coach regardless of your learning style.


Book your FREE 30-Minute “Become a Life Coach” Mentoring Session

With One Of Our RS Method Master Coaches.

During the call, we will review your individual situation and career goals.

Additionally, we will answer all of your burning questions for free, with zero obligation on your part.

Following the call, you’ll receive a FREE BONUS starter pack, including:


Places are limited, though, so you need to be quick.

Don’t miss out – claim your no-obligation, 30-Minute Call with one of our RS Method Master Coaches Now!

Accreditations and Memberships