Last night, my wife picked a movie for us to watch and cuddle before sleep.
It was one of those movies that men call chick-flicks, titled the Second Act, with Jennifer Lopez.
While the movie has its own story and a message, here’s the one that stayed with me, and that I felt like sharing with you today.
It is never too late.
With every single day, literally, you could decide to reinvent yourself and start anew. New relationship, new career, even the whole new identity.
I don’t care how old you are, or how small you may feel, or what life circumstances you find yourself in.
It’s never too late.
As soon as you awake in the morning… you could decide to change your life, and take the first step towards it.
It’s never too late… because for as long as there’s life in you – there’s hope.
As long as there’s breathe in you, you can do this.
This was Robert “Second Act” Simic.
Oh, and by the way, I’m super excited about the coming Friday, as I’ll be in Dubai, surrounded by people who are ready for their second act, people keen to reinvent themselves, or start a new career, bolster their immunes system, or just rebuild their innate wellness and confidence.
Just hurry, as I really don’t know how many seats are still available, since we are so close to the event itself…
And by the way, I like JLo, but my wife is a gem that I’d take with me, into as many second acts as I get xxx